How do I setup OpenMRS core to compile in eclipse?

Hi Sandeep,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I had already given up on this, but since you were kind enough to answer, I put in another couple of hours trying to make this work. I hadn’t tried eclipse juno yet. We use Luna at our company, and the newest version is Mars, so those are the two versions I tried. The plugins were already installed when I made the attempts I described above.

For some reason that I wasn’t able to track down, I wasn’t able to install the maven plugin under juno though. Since I wasn’t thrilled anyways about the idea of working with an IDE which doesn’t support Java 8 features, I aborted that attempt.

Running the maven build from within eclipse as you described didn’t get me to my goal either. I got a failure with this description:

"[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:2.6:check (default) on project openmrs-tools: Resource license-header.txt not found in file system, classpath or URL: no protocol: license-header.txt -> [Help 1]."

Right now, my fallback is to tell my developers tomorrow to ignore the eclipse errors.

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