How do I rebrand OpenMRS

Am very grateful @dkayiwa and @darius for sticking with me all through. I have solved the problem by adding the bean ( to the end of my module’s webModuleApplicationContext.xml file. At the end, I have a module that overrides the default header, login page, and admin logo. Thanks guys.

@darius, @dkayiwa,

I gave a shot at adding an extension through a custom module for the header provided by App UI. So I’m talking about this extension point ID: "org.openmrs.module.appui.header.config".

And from my trials, I don’t think this is reliably possible because of this line:

Map<String, Object> configSettings = exts.size() > 0 ? exts.get(0).getExtensionParams() : null;

So App UI is picking the first extension config in the list of such extensions, and that’s the one that is consumed by the view. From my quick trials it wasn’t clear which one would be picked (the one from the Ref App module or the one from my custom module).

If you agree with my assessment, I could open a ticket for this so that it becomes based on a priority order or something along those lines.

@mksd i fully agree with creating a ticket to make this load extensions based on priority.

Thanks @dkayiwa. Ticket here: RA-1383: ‘App UI to handle header config extensions based on their priority’.

That was fast! :slight_smile: I have just made it ready for development.

@dkayiwa @mksd Is it possible to point latest documentation or Link for rebranding like where to start I am unable to grasp from this conversation.

@cpnwaugha, here’s a link to my, not very polished, branding module. You’re welcome to use it and provide feedback. Note, the jpg that you would upload will replace the openmrs logo when logging in, as well as after you’ve logged in: Barry

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@levine Thanks for the reply. I just loaded omod with my local instance and seen empty log like below. May I know where to load jpeg. I may need to go through the code tomorrow sometime.

Recently i was able to override the logo on the login page as you can see here >

                <div class="logo">
                    <a href="/openmrs-standalone/referenceapplication/">
                        <img src="/openmrs-standalone/ms/uiframework/resource/referenceapplication/images/openMrsLogo.png">

screen shot here

On the login.htm page you can override this openMrsLogo.png manually through referenceapplication module. then on the homepage like the screenshot @prapakaran provided, you can do this in uicommons under same folder. it seems to be little a bit hacky but it works, however am thrilled with provided by @levine, it seems interesting am going to try running them module

Note, I’m running reference app 2.10.0 and platform 1.11.6 The new branding file File name must be openmrslogo.jpg, which is uploaded via the Upload Branding File app. After you upload the jpg then a refresh should display the jpg automatically.

Hey @dkayiwa Can I edit the openmrs url? Like I want “localhost:8080/XYZApp” instead of “localhost:8080/openmrs” or just root url I just want to remove openmrs from url. Looking forward to hear from you.

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This can be done in message.proproties file in registrationapp module

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Change OpenMRS context path in URLs