Hi everyone, I am using openmrs 2.2.1 and legacy UI 1.8.0(I do not use reference application). I have primary patient identifier but I have added other identifier to my patients and I want to be able to display it on patient dashboard with other identifiers. I have seen most of the documentation here are for users using reference application. If Need Help in Displaying Secondary Patient ID on Dashboard works can I get further help on how to implement it especially with the legacy user interface.
When a patient is registered with more than one identifier, they will automatically show on the patient dashboard. Here is an example: Login
Ok thank you it is working now. So I am using xform for patient registration apparently I was getting a message that the form submitted successfully but there was no data sent to mysql database. There were some variables missing on the form during submission. I have fixed the form and now I can see all my identifiers displayed on the patient dashboard.