I would like to inquire if there is a way to synchronize observation data or any data in openmrs for a patient without needing to specify the observation ID each time. Ideally, I am looking for a method to automate this process, where the data for observations is synchronized seamlessly without requiring manual entry of individual observation IDs.
Data model of obs
obs_idinteger (10) person_idperson.person_id concept_idconcept.concept_id encounter_idencounter.encounter_id order_idorders.order_id obs_datetimetimestamp (19) location_idlocation.location_id obs_group_idobs.obs_id accession_numbervarchar (255) value_group_idinteger (10) value_codedconcept.concept_id value_coded_name_idconcept_name.concept_name_id value_drugdrug.drug_id value_datetimetimestamp (19) value_numericdouble (22) value_modifiervarchar (2) value_textlong varchar (65535) value_complexvarchar (1000) commentsvarchar (255) creatorusers.user_id date_createdtimestamp (19) voidedbit voided_byusers.user_id date_voidedtimestamp (19) void_reasonvarchar (255) uuidchar (38) previous_versionobs.obs_id form_namespace_and_pathvarchar (255) statusvarchar (16) interpretationvarchar (32)