How can I filter IPD and OPD treatments in the visit report?

I want to retrieve all medications prescribed during an IPD visit for the “Medications at Hospital” section and all medications prescribed during an OPD visit for the “Medications at Discharge” section. @angshuonline @mohant @sanjayap

there is a configuration to enable marking medication orders as IPD orders on the medication screen. You may use that to differentiate between OPD/IPD medications.

I’m currently working with Bahmni version 0.92. Is this configuration available in this version? If so, where can I find it? @akhilmalhotra

No. Its available only in Bahmni Standard v1.0

Do you have any idea how to add this configuration in Bahmni version 0.92? @akhilmalhotra

@mohant @rahu1ramesh can you help?

Hey @rijan17,

The ability to mark a medication as administered during an IPD visit was introduced in Bahmni Standard v1.0.0. Once marked as an IPD medication, it should be fairly easy to create a report for the same. To utilize this feature, we recommend migrating to v1.0.0.

If you are currently using Bahmni v0.92 or v0.93, upgrading to Bahmni Standard 1.0.0 requires careful planning. We strongly advise reviewing the migration guide to ensure a smooth transition.

Reference Links:

  1. Migration Guide
  2. Bahmni Upgrade Training Recordings
  3. Community Session on Bahmni Upgrade

Once the migration is complete, you can enable the medication administration feature during IPD visits by setting the enableIPDFeature toggle to true in clinical/app.json.

Let us know if you need any assistance!

We’ve received requests from several hospital sites to add IPD and OPD medications to the report section, and at the moment, we don’t have the time to migrate to Bahmni Standard 1.0.0 due to the large amount of data. Is there a solution we can implement on Bahmni 0.92 in the meantime?@rahu1ramesh

At the moment, there is no workaround available to support IPD and OPD medications in the reports section on Bahmni 0.92. To enable this functionality, migration to Bahmni Standard 1.0.0 would be necessary, as it includes the required support for IPD-related information.

We strongly advise reviewing the migration guide to ensure a smooth transition.

Reference Links:

  1. Migration Guide
  2. Bahmni Upgrade Training Recordings
  3. Community Session on Bahmni Upgrade

Please let us know if you need any further guidance on the migration process.