Heroes in Health Awards 2020

Dear OpenMRS community

I am proud to share the good news, I won the Heroes in Health Award for, “Use of ICT to Improve Healthcare” , under the 2020 Heroes in Health Awards that took place last Friday, 6 November in Kampala Uganda (Please see photos and video clip here attached).

The Heroes in Health Award is an initiative championed by the Uganda Ministry of Health and, is a public choice award that rewards excellence, novelty, professionalism and outstanding institutions in the Uganda Health Sector. I won on basis of the extensive work on the implementation OpenMRS database at Masaka and my contribution towards capacity building and mentorship for the national roll-out of Uganda EMR (a distribution of the OpenMRS).


Congratulations @ssemakadde

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Wow, congratulations!! What a great nod to your work and to the OpenMRS community!

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@ssemakadde, congratulations on this achievement! Very nicely done!

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This is what OpenMRS is literally all about.

Congratulations, Matthew. Extremely well deserved.

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wow,congs @ssemakadde

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congs @ssemakadde

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Congs @ssemakadde

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Very well deserved @ssemakadde. I have never seen anyone who has done as many OpenMRS implementation trainings like you. And for more than 10 years!!!


wow congratulations @ssemakadde well done thanks for lifting Openmrs community

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Congratulations @ssemakadde

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CONGZ @ssemakadde

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Hello Paul. I am a new user, working in Angola at a rural hospital that needs an upgrade in information management. I see that Mozambique has OpenMRS in over 650 public health settings. How do I get started, first steps, for implementing this in Angola? Thank you for your kind assistance. Karen Henriksen

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Congratulations! More to come.