Help us Test the Bahmni 0.90 Patch Release

Hi Everyone,

We are coming up with an incremental release of Bahmni V0.90, with a few bug fixes and enhancements.
We need help in testing this before we release it. The following QA environment is available for UAT:

Also, if you want to download and install this UAT version, follow these steps:

  1. Prerequisite for the fresh installation of Bahmni



  1. Download latest bahmni installer


  1. Install bahmni installer

sudo yum install bahmni-installer-0.90-308.noarch.rpm

  1. create setup.yml configuration file

curl -L >> /etc/bahmni-installer/setup.yml

  1. Point the bahmni_base_url to amazon s3. You need to add line below in setup.yml for this


  1. Modify the inventory file if needed and run the installer

bahmni -i local install

Please find the list of fixes and enhancements that are a part of this patch release:

Bug Fixes

  1. BAH 411 - [BAH-411] - Bahmni - JIRA Passing Patient context in Form Builder
  2. BAH- 405 - [BAH-405] - Bahmni - JIRA - [Form Builder] Problem while importing a form from another environment.
  3. BAH- 410 - [BAH-410] - Bahmni - JIRA - Test results with coded answer CSV upload fails
  4. BAH-444 - [BAH-444] - Bahmni - JIRA - Retrospective mode doesn’t show the “Entered on behalf” Provider with captured observations
  5. BAH-437 - [BAH-437] - Bahmni - JIRA - [Appt. Scheduling] Retired providers should not show up on Provider list
  6. BAH-455 - [BAH-455] - Bahmni - JIRA - IPD canned report does not populate diagnosis column


  1. BAH-408 - [BAH-408] - Bahmni - JIRA - Highlight appointments based on status in UI
  2. BAH-450 - [BAH-450] - Bahmni - JIRA - Ability to indicate priority in Lab orders
  3. BAH- 445 - [BAH-450] - Bahmni - JIRA - [Appt. Sched] Patient search very slow while creating an appointment

Logging Issues:

As a part of testing these issues or testing in general, if you encounter any bugs, please leave a comment on the card. If you find issues not particularly related to any of the Jira issues, please feel free to create a new Jira Issue and tag it to version 0.90. Communicate issues in OpenMRS channels (software => Bahmni) against this thread . Bring the issue to attention of relevant people (listed below) by inviting or marking them on the thread. If you are on slack, please post on community channel. Bring to attention of relevant people (listed below)

As a registered Bahmni Atlassian user , you should be able to view, comment on and create issues. In case of any issues accessing Jira, please contact @sruti, @angshuonline , @shruthipitta , @binduak or @mksd

Apart from those issues mentioned above, we will also need help on exploratory testing:

  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Form Builder and subsequent forms in Clinical/Observation tab, Registration Second Page, Bahmni Connect.
  • Canned and Generic Reports
  • Internationalization
  • CSV upload with internationalized content
  • User access and privileges
  • Synchronization of data between systems like OpenMRS, ERP, ELIS, DCM4CHE etc
  • Installation & upgrades
  • Retrospective Data entry


We are looking to do the final release before Friday,16th Feb, 2018. Looking forward to all the support in testing.


@sruti What are the login Credentials ?

Hi @tendomart,

Login Credentials are as follows:

EMR: superman/Admin123

ELIS (Lab): admin/adminADMIN!

ERP: admin/password

dcm4chee: admin/admin

To access the underlying OpenMRS, please enter url (using EMR credentials):

alright will see

Hi all,

We are using this Sheet to track our testing. You could sign up against the items on the sheet and update it with any bugs that you may find.
Also please create and use different user names for testing rather than only Superman.

Hi Everyone,
Patch for Bahmni V0.90 is available now. Here are the links:

  1. Installer
  2. RPM versions
  3. Release Notes