Help to Setup OpenMRS in macOS - High Sierra

I’ve tried to follow( OpenMRS SDK Step By Step Tutorials - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki ) but one to one talk is more helpful than the link. I think the link should be compressed and made easier to the new beginners. It demoralizes mac OSX users and unless someone is determined, can loose hope quickly.

MySQL 8 should work for OpenMRS platform 2.4.0 and above and reference application 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT.

@gracebish is the documentation team watching this? This is one of those cases where i think that a howto video would have been easier for him and others.


Thank you @dkayiwa . I will pay attention to this first thing tomorrow.

cc @herbert24 @jwnasambu @sharif

Which MySQL database can I put as per the question in the last threead:Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 00.06.32

I think if you can look at the beginning of this thread, you can understand how determinant I am but someone with less guts could have failed. You know the document itself is like demotivating on the first look, you just don’t know where to start from. I know I may not be only one having/had this issue. I think video file with some .txt files for terminal use will be so helpful.

Well, kindly allow me differ with you! the steps are well documented and every output well screenshot with a clear explanation the only challenge you are facing is installing the software on macOS though I believe having the videos will work much better. Kindly you need mysql 5.6 to proceed with the installation. Alternatively install reference application 2.12.0-SNAPSHOT as @dkayiwa stated above.

As per screenshot, I’ve managed to install MySQL 5.6, kindly reply on the last screenshot.


Just press enter.

Jacob - I admire your persistence with the installation and setting up of OpenMRS applications. Even though the documentation team and other collaborators have done an excellent job documenting, organizing, and publishing guides on the wiki, I can understand how it can sometimes be a frustrating process, especially with some added hardware challenges much like yours.

Because of the ever-evolving nature of open-source projects, new users have to typically carry the burden of figuring out and troubleshooting their hardware/software-related issues within a project. OpenMRS community (which you are now a part of!) has been firmly committed to creating an environment that welcomes new users and allows them to get familiar with the project and configure their systems to be a part of it.

I published an FAQ for OpenMRS Standalone version a few months ago which lists some answers to the problems you’ve been having. Though I have not tried the installation and set up on a mac computer, I know of some friends who did. I will try and write up a detailed FAQ for MAC OS configurations (something which you can help me with maybe? and could potentially be your first contribution to the community! Yay!)

Welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

Thanx alot people, I am back again today… Help me to specify database username (-DdbUser) (default: ‘root’):Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 08.27.49

Whenever I put the DdbUser and the server password it ends up in errors. What can I put inorder to build successfully: Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 08.35.59

@kabiinjuguna you can leave it as the default if you specified that in your mysql server

I think this is the end of this thread. Atleast I’ve tried my best and I think I’ve failed. In the future I will keep on trying but I think for now this is the end of my trials.

I thank you all for helping out on this journey, I will still use your guidance in other trials. Regards,

You are almost there! just press enter its the password which you will type though it won’t be be seen just ensure its the correct password to the mysql root. How I wish you knew it is the last step

My screen has been full of terminal windows and I’ve tried even to enter all passwords even sometimes i could just enter without putting anything. I just felt frustrated from last week upto now nothing coming through.

Kindly stick on you are almost there. You only need to enter the root password you created when installing mysql on your PC.

I’ve put password again and its still tells me BUILD FAILURE

Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 19.43.32

The error you are getting is because of the wrong password to the mysql root you can confirm your password on the runtime properties by following this path;

On Mac OS X or Linux systems:


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