Help on installing Legacy UI module

Hi, Im trying to install Legacy UI module and facing some issues currently. I followed the section for developers in here to install the module and ran the openmrs-core again. Then i got some errors saying it requires emrapi , coreapps to run. So i installed emrapi-1.27.0.omod and coreapps-1.21.0.omod. Now im getting the below error . Can anyone please help me with this ?


Is there any reason why you are not simply installing the reference application?

Im working on this bug . For this I need to install reporting module and see how it works and may be debug as well. I thought running the openmrs-core from the source would be helpful.

Doesn’t the reference application already have the reporting module?

I havent tried installing it from the reference application. But will i be able to debug the openmrs-core if i want ?

@dkayiwa I have tried installing the reference application. but when i go to the reports i cannot see any reports listed. Im kind of stuck with REPORT-806 at the moment. Will you be able to help me getting the reporting module running ?

hello @dilantha sorry about that, try on installation and also check in the modules folder inside the appdata folder in the reference application folder to see if the OMOD file for the reporting module is there in the reference application that you have downloaded eg C:\Users\Cliff\New folder\referenceapplication-standalone-2.8.0\appdata\modules

Hi @gcliff. Thanks for your reply. I’ve managed to load the reporting module through the admin interface now. Do you know is there a way that i could debug the reporting module in this way ? I did some modifications in RunReportListController. Now i wanted to see whether its working or not

@dilantha after making the changes in RunReportListController, the mvn clean install command compilation will generate a new OMOD file and in order to check for the new changes, you have to delete the old OMOD file reporting module and upload the new OMOD file with its new modifications done in RunReportListController