Help finish OpenMRS Radar for 2018

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2018-11-18 Design Forum or the OpenMRS Radar session at OMRS18.

I’ve gone through most of the OpenMRS Radar data for 2018 Q4 to refresh descriptions (see “burke” in status column), solved the issue with the rings appearing out of order, and got the openmrs-contrib-radar repo building again so it’s ready for new data to be deployed.

I could use some help with writing out brief descriptions/recommendations for the final eight (8) entries we added during the OMRS18 session:

  • GraphQL
  • Spring Boot
  • Gradle
  • PWA
  • Apache NiFi
  • SMART Containers
  • Kubernetes
  • Spring Batch

I’d also be happy to have edit/feedback on any of the existing descriptions. If you don’t care to read raw HTML, selecting any description and clicking the “Preview Description” menu item will render the HTML into a sidebar preview pane.

If you can help, but lack edit access to the spreadsheet, let me (or @dkayiwa, @mogoodrich, @wyclif, @raff, @mseaton) know you need access.

I’m willing to add description for GraphQL. Could some one give me edit access please?

Cc : @burke @dkayiwa

May want to do Spring boot.

My thoughts:

Spring boot is fit for micro services, are we saying we are going to rewrite OpenMRS as a bunch of micro services?

And for Gradle, are we planning on moving away from maven?

I have no context whatsoever.

But depending on what you plan on doing with NiFi, I’d recommend looking Airflow too. Airflow has been so much nicer to play with than NiFi, I’d highly recommend.

Thanks wyclif for the oversight ,i actually suggested Springboot at omrs18 ,what i had in mind was have it run aside other technologies given it’s simplicity in terms of configuration and other features which you can quickly use on the go. We have Dockerised - Distros , but not every one runs docker containers, is there not an open window for jars as well ?

That’s with packaging , how about harnessing Springboot’s inbuilt server-side Thymeleaf templating , could would have that added on the likes of OWA ,not reinventing / replacing but adding possibility for future features.

Possibilities are endless was just thinking out Loud. Thanks again @wyclif.

@suthagar23, I’ve given you edit access. Thanks!