Happening now: KenyaEMR 3.x demo to Shiriki community

ICYMI: right now and for the next hour on the Shiriki webinar, Palladium-Kenya is sharing how they developed and adopted the new KenyaEMR on OpenMRS 3, to allow for primary care service!

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  • Second webinar will tell Kenya’s success story to domesticate RefApp 3.0.
  • The Kenyan approach of getting developers from service delivery partners to collaborate with Palladium developers in hackathon events in order to develop KenyaEMR 3.X is traced.
  • Session will illustrate development of specific country modules and services to meet emerging country requirements such as Unique Patient Identification, primary health care (facility-wide services), community referral services, and Universal Health Care among others.
  • The maturation approach of controlled deployment of KenyaEMR 3.X in select health facilities and incremental feature and module development to meet field requirements will be laid out.
  • The Kenyan journey to adopt and implement a facility-wide system across the country will be highlighted. The session will highlight on innovative design of KenyaEMR 3.X, controlled deployment experience, scale-up strategies and partnerships employed to drive nation-wide rollout of KenyaEMR 3.X in Kenya.
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The presentation and thorough demo of KenyaEMR 3.x (using O3) was fantastic. I will try to add a copy of the recording here. In the meantime here are a few favorite screenshots:



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