I will be asking a lot of questions. Apologies first
For the survey to be useful, we need to reach as many people as possible. I just found out @dev1 has no group members. @devnull group does not exist. How can we reach out to dev1 and dev null?
Another question I have is about Docker. I’ve seen discussion about Docker image for production. Is there a Docker image for development?
Hi @ayesh, thanks for replying. I know next to nothing about Docker. Just read the Wikipedia page today.
My goal is to simplify the development environment set up process for the new developers. If Docker can make installing JDK, Java runtime, MySQL and SDK easier, then I would like to add it to the “getting started as a developer” document.
The idea came from Burke in this thread.
So that I think is a great idea. Because for some modules which are not in active development sometimes we need to switch to mysql older versions. It’s very hectic task to install mysql < 5.6 standalone versions in ubuntu for sure because I faced it.
So as Sidarth has mentioned in that thread it is actually a great way if we can move forward with a docker container for mysql installation. Which can be easily removed later.
So in openmrs instances that we have you can see a docker-compose which includes the mysql container as well. You can get an idea from it. We can do the same for the dev environemnt.
And the next thing is the persisting part. Persisting mysql data in a volume. So as we know docker containers data will only persist during it’s life time. Say if we want that data to be attached to another mysql container runing in you’re machine or in another machine. We can use volumes which will persist the data inside the volume. We can easily attach these volumes back in to another docker container.
Here how it is done. I think this point is also very valuable for a developer who thinks about to work long time with openMRS.
Hi @ayesh, So the solution is to install Docker then MySQL in Docker container (with the yml file you suggested)?
What about JDK, JRE, OpenMRS SDK and IDE? Should they be installed in the same container?
Is there no way to make an image so that people don’t have to install these things manually one by one?
JDK, JRE, OpenMRS SDK as well as the IDE you develop should be installed in your machine.
So I was just showing u an example. Like this, we can up and run MySQL any version.
Hi All, from the survey results, someone suggested to have getting started guide for different types of module developers. I think the it makes sense to have several “Creating your first module” guides, as modules might be very different.
From the technical point of view how many different kinds of module we have?
I know OWA is different (web based, relying on REST API calls). What about the rest of the modules, how different are they technically?