Dear Technical Writers ,
I would like to congratulate you for the great work done towards our documentation. According to the TIMELIME , we have come to the end of the writing phase of GSoD 2019.
We therefore encourage you to do your final submissions if you have not , during these few days and also do your evaluations according to the following Google Guidelines.
The project finalization phase of Season of Docs starts now, for technical writers working on standard-length projects. (If you opted for a long-running project, you don’t need to start project finalization yet.)
Project finalization is an important part of your Season of Docs project. Now is the time to package up your work and write your project report. Work with your mentor to ensure your project report gives a good representation of the work you’ve completed. Your mentors will use this report as a basis for their final assessment of your Season of Docs project. The project report form is at this link: The form is also available in the technical writer guide. See the information about creating a project report.
In this phase you also have the opportunity to write an evaluation of your mentor and of your overall experience in Season of Docs. This evaluation will help us to improve the program over the coming years. The evaluation form is at this link: The form is also available in the technical writer guide.
Please submit your project report and evaluation by November 29. See the full timeline on the Season of Docs website.
If you have any questions about the program, please email the Season of Docs team at