GSoD 2019: Improved REST API Documentation

this link is returning a 404 error code for me, it is a major blocker, could any one assist me in this ?

I cannot access the share google doc, could you put my email ; kumar.mohit983■■■■■■■■■■ to give me the access

cc @burke kindly help out here


am failing to access the demo server to,could it be down ? @dkayiwa

Reset the demo server by running this plan:

i have the command the command in the browser and its showing “Build:#1182 was successful Manual run by Daniel Kayiwa

i clicked on reset demo server and its saying ‘No builds are currently running.’

Oh sorry about it! @dkayiwa can help


You can use :- till the demo server is up

User name :- admin Pwd :- Admin123

@gcliff @jwnasambu

To run the plan we need to have a bamboo account which you can request :slightly_smiling_face:

@ayesh It giving an error and this is the error log I have a bamboo account and when I follow the link it shows the server is up which is contrary to the output.

@ayesh , @gcliff and @batbrain7 finally the demo server is up.


Nice work @jwnasambu :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks @jwnasambu


I created the PR for slate integration.We have to add a new token generated for openmrs organization to travis project settings as an env variable.I created the travis.yml and tested out that in my local version it works fine.

It appears that someone had accidentally restricted the entire OpenMRS Public) folder to only Taiwo Adedeji, Vusumuzi Khoza, and people with OpenMRS accounts. I’ve corrected this, so you should have access again.

Excellent, @ayesh. I’ll get this merged and make a token.

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Thank you @burke

@burke @dkayiwa @gcliff @jwnasambu @tendomart

Hi all

I wanted to give a quick update on how the upcoming few weeks we will allocate our time slots on work.

We have these work left on our way

Users : todo (batbrain) Person :- done (batbrain) Patient :- done (batbrain) Visits :- done (ayesh) Encounters :- done (ayesh) Providers :- done (ayesh) Locations :- done (ayesh) Observations :- todo (batbrain) Orders : - todo (batbrain) Concepts :- todo (ayesh) Forms :- todo (ayesh)

We will target 14th latest to finish on object types :-

I am sure with my mate @batbrain7 who is doing a brilliant job currently we will be able to achieve the target.

Then from 14th -22nd We will target the overview doc section descriptive section. We already have an idea which @burke approved and praposed. which will look like below and most of the sections are already covered by me and @batbrain7


  1. Purpose of REST API
  2. Getting Started
  3. Authentication
  • How to authenticate
  1. Common Tasks
  • Get a patient
  • Get encounters & observations for a patient
  • Add an observation
  1. Overview

  2. Current version

  3. Resources

  4. Subresources

  5. Resources with Subtypes

  6. Common parameters

  7. Representations

  • Schema

    1. JSON
    2. XML
  • Pagination

  • Timezones

  • FHIR

    1. Status of FHIR support, relationship to REST API, where to learn more
  • Troubleshooting

    1. Common mistakes
    2. Where to go for help
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@ayesh thanks for the update we trust that you two will hit the target.

@ayesh Noted thanks.


Can we create the oauth token for Travis.And make the site up.

Hopefully will be able to get some feedback then :smiley:

I added the latest docs merged to master also to slate includes folder and did the modifications.