GSoC'17 - Data Integrity Module


Thanks for OpenMRS community for believing in me and selecting me. Specially I want to thank @ssmusoke, @raff, @tmarzeion and @adamg .

I want to fix meeting time with my mentors. @ssmusoke, @maany, please let me know your timings. I’m free whole day except from 6 AM to 1 PM (in UTC).

Right now I’ve been trying to setup DINT module and I need help. Please refer to this post . I want to setup this module asap so that we can start working on some tickets.



Hey @shivtej I’m mostly available during that window. In case I’m not around to join, I’d be happy catch up via the meeting notes :slight_smile:

You should probably do it over IRC or Telegram…e.g., publicly.

Post your project plan on a topic…then have @maany or @ssmusoke comment on here…there really should be no phone calls

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Hi everyone!

I wanted to share the progress of my GSoC Project with the Community. Now Data Integrity Module has following features :

  • Free text search
  • Filtering using Rule name
  • Filtering using Patient name
  • Capability to export filtered result into excel, csv and pdf (ongoing) .

Since the start of GSoC’17, I’ve worked on many tasks and came across many unheard technology. It took me lot of time for setting up data integrity module and make it work. Apart from this, I came across many new things during each task assigned to me including datatables, webpack, sass etc. During this period I also did some non-GSoC project work like updating wiki pages, Android Client user guide, UICM-76 etc.

User can filter the result generated by data integrity rules by rule name, patient name or free text search.

User can also export the filtered result in Excel, CSV or PDF format.

I’ve worked on following issue till now during GSoC:

  • DINT-73
  • DINT-76
  • DINT-77

You can read my experience of every week in the weekly blog posts, links mentioned below. Let us know if you have any feedback. Thanks!

Link to blog posts

I have completed the DINT-76 and now users can export the filtered data in different formats like CSV, Excel and PDF as I mentioned in last post.

Exported data (PDF):

This week, I’ll working on DINT-75 and DINT-80 . Details are posted here: Sass, Compass & OpenMRS. Hi everyone! | by Shivang Nagaria | Medium

I am happy to announce the release of Data Integrity 4.4.1 with the following major updates thanks to the GSOC work to-date by @shivtej

  1. Exporting of Data Integrity Results to CSV, Excel and PDF

  2. Improved filtering of the results by Patient, Program, and rules

  3. Improved styling and working of the data quality dashboard widget for the patient dashboard

  4. Externalization of messages and text from the pages

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Listing my experience and the work I’ve done in last three works. Also included the tasks I’ll doing this week. Announcing new version of Data Integrity Module

Discussion about DINT-80

My suggestions about mockups & design