GSoC: Code Reviews a MUST!

This is a gentle reminder to all potential GSoC students that no application will be accepted for any one who has not done code reviews.

Being an open source contributor is not just about fixing bugs and adding new features, but also reviewing other peoples’ contributions.


Thanks for the clarification @dkayiwa , Please GSoC aspirants don’t forget this crucial part.

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Thanks for this information @dkayiwa . Do you have any link on how to review code on github? I don’t know how to use the interface for this activity . And we can do reviews directly or we need to be approved ?

o thanks @dkayiwa, am not a GSOC student but i should also improve my self in this matter :grinning:


Yeah, that is good. Thanks @dkayiwa :slight_smile:

Thanks @dkayiwa for the message :-). Students Please take a look here :

You must include your Pull Requests and Pull Request Reviews in your proposal as a table :-).


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Go to any OpenMRS repo example openmrs-core. Look at PRs and how they are reviewed. The kind of comments that is been left on these PRs. The kind of changes that are been requested. Then also look at the code, look at things you feel are not right with the code and leave a polite comment either requesting for clarification or changes.

You can also get a copy of Clean Code by Uncle Bob :slight_smile:

Use google too, to find out how to review code.

BTW, I learned how to review code mostly by looking at how @dkayiwa reviews and also reading clean code

Thanks . With your instructions and the reviews i got on my pull request i managed to review a pull request and request some changes . I hope that i helped the pull request owner.

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And what about " Nigeria Telemedicine App" ? I mean that’s from scratch, how can we contribute ? or you mean in another project ?

You can do code reviews on any other module.

We don’t want you to review pull requests for your respected projects. You can freely do code reviews in any of the projects in OpenMRS GitHub Repository.

Please make sure that you have understood the language, and the requirements of pull request before making comments :smile:

2 Likes the below given link is not working so how to view the android app? @suthagar23 @dkayiwa

"### Installation

To install the OpenMRS Android Client on your Android device, head over to Google Play using this link: "

Getting started · GitBook the below given link is not working so how to view the android app? @suthagar23 @dkayiwa

"### Installation

To install the OpenMRS Android Client on your Android device, head over to Google Play using this link: "

Cc : @f4ww4z @csmuthukuda

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Hi there, currently our app is temporarily suspended until we submit a privacy policy (it’s actively being worked on as we release the next version of the app) . You can download from our releases page on GitHub at for the time being.


thank you !

how long should be our abstract when we send draft proposal?

username and password please

@hritikthube follow this Guide for using the App

username-admin password - Admin123 doesnt work for the above given link

Did you see the README?