GSoC 2023 : User Onboarding

Hi everyone,

I am interested in the user Onboarding flow feature project on this year’s Google Summer of Code project list.

From my understanding,

  1. Outpatient are onboarded with a multilevel form which shows user progress while the forms are filled and the user can as well go back to the previous stage to edit responses.

  2. Field Validation are implemented for the form.

  3. User can as well save their progress to continue at a later time

  4. Forms are submitted are users are authenticated.

  5. I opened the design link, I was able to view a snack restaurant onboarding flow for a user, I dont know if I am viewing the wrong design or meant to come up with a new designs for the outpatient onboarding flow.

I will be grateful for more clarifications about the user Onboarding flow

cc: @dkigen @vasharma05 @hadijah315 @ @grace @jdick

I created the subject so we can come up with ideas on how to approach the feature.


Sorry @juliet for the late reply, could you share the snapshot of the view?

@kdaud this is the screenshot

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That isn’t the right page.

@grace does one have to request access for 03 design page?

Thank you @kdaud @grace am I meant to request for acess for 03 design

yes please, i believe you should request for access to the designs from @cduffy via slack as can be seen here OpenMRS 3.0: A Frontend Framework that enables collaboration and better User Experience - Projects - OpenMRS Wiki under the Quick Links section.

In the meantime you can take a look at


Thank you @mherman22 I appreciate your help

After some careful research about the user onboarding project, I understood that my earlier explanation about the project was wrong.

  1. The User Onboarding feature Introduce users to major features in a typical generic outpatient workflow
  2. Users are introduced to step-by-step instructions and demos in an easy way which spotlights elements adding small commentary on them (more like a user tour to major features).
  3. User can skip the demo as well.

@cduffy do we have any designs for this feature. kindly give me access to the design

I would also appreciate more clarification about this feature @dkigen @vasharma05 @kdaud @mherman22 @hadijah315

Hey there! @dkigen and @vasharma05, would you mind lending a hand to @juliet and helping her identify the requirements? It would be much appreciated. Thank you! :hearts:


Thank you @jayasanka

Hi, please checkout my implementation for the user Onboarding project using reactour library

The library offers great function and props for user tour, I will keep updating the sandbox and will appreciate ideas. @dkigen @kdaud @jayasanka @vasharma05 @jwnasambu @hadijah315 I have created a workflow for the user onboarding and yet to know the module for the implementation

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@juliet Can you please share the wiki link to project idea? I am unable to locate it :confused:

@vishalg useronboarding has been removed from project list, You should consider another project

Oh okay, thank you. That’s what I suspected.