GSOC 2023: Improving the OpenMRS Developer Experience: Updating the SDK - Updates and Discussion

I created a new ticket to update the SDK to use the new Java Date and Time API: [SDK-309] Switching to the new Date and Time API - OpenMRS Issues

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

I created a new ticket to refactor the SDK to use Java 8 Optional class: [SDK-311] Using Java 8 Optional Class - OpenMRS Issues

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

I created a ticket and PR for Upgrading the SDK Maven plugins to the latest version of Maven to improve their reliability and performance.

ticket: [SDK-314] Updating maven plugins to the latest versions - OpenMRS Issues

PR: SDK-314: Updating maven plugins to the latest version by wikumChamith · Pull Request #231 · openmrs/openmrs-sdk · GitHub

I created a ticket for enhancing the documentation system for all plugins: [SDK-315] Enhance the documentation system for all plugins - OpenMRS Issues

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

I created a new ticket to enable deploying O3 from build-distro plugin: [SDK-316] Enable deploying O3 from build-distro plugin - OpenMRS Issues

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

I created a PR for this. Please review it: SDK-316: Enable deploying O3 from build-distro plugin by wikumChamith · Pull Request #234 · openmrs/openmrs-sdk · GitHub

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

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I created a ticket for the objective “Improve the build-distro and setup commands by allowing per-version customizations”: [SDK-319] Improve the build-distro and setup commands by allowing per-version customizations. - OpenMRS Issues

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

I am getting an empty suggested version list for the platform. When debugging the code I noticed that we are getting an empty list for Artifact(SDKConstants.PLATFORM_ARTIFACT_ID,SDKConstants.SETUP_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_VERSION, Artifact.GROUP_DISTRO) (org.openmrs.distro:platform:1.11.5) with this method:

Is this common for everyone??

Logs: logs -

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

We’re currently experiencing issues with our Maven repo.

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Now it is working correctly.

Here is the PR for this: SDK-319: Improve the build-distro command by allowing per-version cutomizations. by wikumChamith · Pull Request #244 · openmrs/openmrs-sdk · GitHub

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

@ibacher I have some concerns on this PR: SDK-319: Improve the build-distro command by allowing per-version cutomizations. by wikumChamith · Pull Request #244 · openmrs/openmrs-sdk · GitHub. Could you check it??

Setting up O3 with the SDK is problematic when the file path contains spaces, triggering the following error: spaces error -

This becomes problematic when usernames or server names involve spaces. I modified the code to replace spaces with escape characters.

        "%s build --target %s --build-config %s",
        buildTargetDir.getAbsolutePath().replace(" ", "\\ "),
        spaConfigFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(" ", "\\ ")

This generates a command like the one below:

npm --cache=/tmp/openmrs-sdk-node12429853391947426928/npm-cache exec -- openmrs@next build --target /home/wikum/openmrs/server\ 20/frontend --build-config /home/wikum/openmrs/server\ 20/spa-build-config.json

the command works fine when entered directly in the terminal, but when it’s run through the SDK, it leads to an error: npm error -

Any insights or suggestions to fix this issue?

cc: @dkayiwa, @ibacher, @jnsereko

Instead of trying to escape the spaces, I’d just wrap the parameters in double-quotes, e.g., \"%s\". The \ to escape spaces is basically functionality provided by the shell and not really well-handled outside of shell contexts. Quotes are more widely useable.

I also tried that but it gives a different error.

nodeHelper.runNpx(String.format("%s build --target \"%s\" --build-config \"%s\"", program, buildTargetDir, spaConfigFile), legacyPeerDeps);


Running 'npm --cache=/tmp/openmrs-sdk-node5415753394153803303/npm-cache exec -- openmrs@next build --target "/home/wikum/openmrs/server 20/frontend" --build-config "/home/wikum/openmrs/server 20/spa-build-config.json"' in /home/wikum/Documents/GSOC/OpenMRS/GSOC-2023/openmrs-sdk
[INFO] [openmrs] ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/wikum/Documents/GSOC/OpenMRS/GSOC-2023/openmrs-sdk/"/home/wikum/openmrs/server 20/spa-build-config.json"'

Full logs: [INFO] Scanning for projects...[INFO] ---------------------------------------- -

cc: @dkayiwa, @jnsereko

Could we try updating the version of the frontend-maven-plugin? We’ve been pinned to an old version because newer versions require Java 8.

I updated the frontend-maven plugin to the latest version.

    public static final String FRONTEND_PLUGIN_GROUP_ID = "com.github.eirslett";
    public static final String FRONTEND_PLUGIN_ARTIFACT_ID = "frontend-maven-plugin";
    public static final String FRONTEND_PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.13.4";

I am still getting this error:

[INFO] Running 'npm --cache=/tmp/openmrs-sdk-node4766700258631630847/npm-cache exec -- openmrs@next build --target "/home/wikum/openmrs/server 20/frontend" --build-config "/home/wikum/openmrs/server 20/spa-build-config.json"' in /home/wikum/Documents/GSOC/OpenMRS/GSOC-2023/openmrs-sdk
[INFO] [openmrs] ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/wikum/Documents/GSOC/OpenMRS/GSOC-2023/openmrs-sdk/"/home/wikum/openmrs/server 20/spa-build-config.json"'

@ibacher, @dkayiwa any suggestions to fix this??

I think this just falls into the category of “we can’t support paths with spaces”.

Isn’t this going to be a problem for accounts that has space in the user name??