GSOC 2022: HTML Form Entry enabled in OpenMRS 3.x

Hi everyone,

Here’s what I understood about this project recently, feel free to correct any misinformation. I’m currently working on creating a draft proposal. The purpose of creating this thread is to clarify the doubts.

  1. During my study about this project, I understood that part 1 is been implemented.
  1. The GSoC project is related to part 2. The aim of the project is to render the HFE forms in Openmrs 3x using an iframe or in a separate tab.

  2. I was unable to find any HFE forms in the 3. x Ref app currently. I went through the configurations provided in the implementor tools tab. As I understood the forms haven’t been added yet. Is this related to part 2 of the implementation?

  1. In the initial stage, the forms will be shown by redirecting the user to old-style forms. Is this currently implemented? How can I test it?

cc: @zacbutko @ibacher @bistenes

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