As you may already know, GSoC contributors will be required to post (at least) one blog entry a week during the period of the GSoC program. In preparation for this, we are requesting all contributors to have a blog set up about the community bonding period, and add a post on this thread.
Once this is ready, please reply to this thread with the following:
A link to your blog post. Please tag all your GSoC posts with the tags #openmrs and #gsoc2022 .
If you already wrote a blog about OpenMRS/Related to GSoC/Community Bonding period experience, please mention the blog URL also.
Please also let us know how you found out about GSoC, we’re interested to hear if this happens through word of mouth, from websites/forums/chat, or other campaigns/presentations at universities and colleges.
Take note : If you already have an existing blog, feel free to use that, otherwise you’ll need to set up a new blog for this. You’re welcome to use a traditional blog service (such as wordpress , blogger , medium etc.) or host your own.
If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to @jennifer@grace@herbert24@kdaud and/or your project mentors.
Thanks to all the GSoC contributors(@pasindur2@salahoamro@piumal1999@anjisvj@kumuditha ) for submitting your first blogs highlighting the community bonding period. It is indeed awesome to learn how you interacted with the community and your mentors during the bonding period.
In the same direction, you’re all reminded to prepare and submit your blogs for Week~1 and Week~2 by Friday 24th June.