GSoC 2020: Improving OpenMRS DHIS2 Integration

1st GSoC Weekly Call

Held on: 2020-05-17T11:30:00Z

Attendees: @akshika47 @heliostrike @jayasanka

Meeting minutes

  1. Meeting began with a quick bout of introductions from mentors.
  2. Continue the discussion on the requirement gathering process on talk thread. GSoC 2020: Improving OpenMRS DHIS2 Integration - Requirement gathering
  3. Try to contact a few hospitals this week.
  4. Clarify how to initiate the OWA for the DHIS2 Reporting module.
  5. Meeting ended on a positive note, looking forward to a great GSoC.

Tasks for the Week:

  1. Continue the Requirement Gathering discussion. :white_check_mark:
  2. Try to contact a few hospitals. :white_check_mark:
  3. Clarify how to initiate the OWA for the DHIS2 Reporting module :white_check_mark:
  4. Join ETL/ELT Stand Up to get an idea of how meetings are conducted. :white_check_mark:


:white_check_mark: - Completed

:on: - Ongoing