Hi everyone, I am facing a small issue which I have not been able to resolve for a while. I am writing a criteria query to query drugs based on an ingredient code and have written the following:
criteria.createAlias("ingredients", "i"); criteria.createAlias("i.ingredient", "ic");
But from the logger, I see that the query generated is not as expected. The concept table is perhaps getting joined twice. Here is the generated query-
this_.drug_id as drug_id1_27_3_,
this_.name as name2_27_3_,
this_.combination as combinat3_27_3_,
this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_27_3_,
this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_27_3_,
this_.strength as strength6_27_3_,
this_.date_created as date_cre7_27_3_,
this_.changed_by as changed_8_27_3_,
this_.date_changed as date_cha9_27_3_,
this_.retired as retired10_27_3_,
this_.date_retired as date_re11_27_3_,
this_.retire_reason as retire_12_27_3_,
this_.concept_id as concept13_27_3_,
this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_27_3_,
this_.uuid as uuid15_27_3_,
this_.creator as creator16_27_3_,
this_.retired_by as retired17_27_3_,
i1_.drug_id as drug_id1_28_0_,
i1_.ingredient_id as ingredie2_28_0_,
i1_.uuid as uuid3_28_0_,
i1_.strength as strength4_28_0_,
i1_.units as units5_28_0_,
ic2_.concept_id as concept_1_6_1_,
ic2_.uuid as uuid2_6_1_,
ic2_.retired as retired3_6_1_,
ic2_.date_created as date_cre4_6_1_,
ic2_.version as version5_6_1_,
ic2_.date_changed as date_cha6_6_1_,
ic2_.is_set as is_set7_6_1_,
ic2_.retire_reason as retire_r8_6_1_,
ic2_.date_retired as date_ret9_6_1_,
ic2_.retired_by as retired10_6_1_,
ic2_.datatype_id as datatyp11_6_1_,
ic2_.class_id as class_i12_6_1_,
ic2_.changed_by as changed13_6_1_,
ic2_.creator as creator14_6_1_,
ic2_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_18_1_,
ic2_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_18_1_,
ic2_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_18_1_,
ic2_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_18_1_,
ic2_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_18_1_,
ic2_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_18_1_,
ic2_1_.units as units8_18_1_,
ic2_1_.precise as precise9_18_1_,
ic2_1_.display_precision as display10_18_1_,
ic2_2_.handler as handler2_11_1_,
when ic2_1_.concept_id is not null then 1
when ic2_2_.concept_id is not null then 2
when ic2_.concept_id is not null then 0
end as clazz_1_,
ic2_.concept_id as concept_1_6_2_,
ic2_.uuid as uuid2_6_2_,
ic2_.retired as retired3_6_2_,
ic2_.date_created as date_cre4_6_2_,
ic2_.version as version5_6_2_,
ic2_.date_changed as date_cha6_6_2_,
ic2_.is_set as is_set7_6_2_,
ic2_.retire_reason as retire_r8_6_2_,
ic2_.date_retired as date_ret9_6_2_,
ic2_.retired_by as retired10_6_2_,
ic2_.datatype_id as datatyp11_6_2_,
ic2_.class_id as class_i12_6_2_,
ic2_.changed_by as changed13_6_2_,
ic2_.creator as creator14_6_2_,
ic2_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_18_2_,
ic2_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_18_2_,
ic2_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_18_2_,
ic2_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_18_2_,
ic2_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_18_2_,
ic2_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_18_2_,
ic2_1_.units as units8_18_2_,
ic2_1_.precise as precise9_18_2_,
ic2_1_.display_precision as display10_18_2_,
ic2_2_.handler as handler2_11_2_,
when ic2_1_.concept_id is not null then 1
when ic2_2_.concept_id is not null then 2
when ic2_.concept_id is not null then 0
end as clazz_2_
drug this_
inner join
drug_ingredient i1_
on this_.drug_id=i1_.drug_id
inner join
concept ic2_
on i1_.ingredient_id=ic2_.concept_id
left outer join
concept_numeric ic2_1_
on ic2_.concept_id=ic2_1_.concept_id
left outer join
concept_complex ic2_2_
on ic2_.concept_id=ic2_2_.concept_id
inner join
concept ic2_
on i1_.ingredient_id=ic2_.concept_id
left outer join
concept_numeric ic2_1_
on ic2_.concept_id=ic2_1_.concept_id
left outer join
concept_complex ic2_2_
on ic2_.concept_id=ic2_2_.concept_id
ic2_.concept_id in (
or ic2_.uuid in (
) limit ?
Due to this, I am gettting an ambiguous column name "CONCEPT_ID"
error, as it is not able to distinguish between the multiple columns that are getting generated. I’d be grateful if somebody can help. Thanks.
Pull request link for reference - https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-fhir2/pull/199