GSoC 2019 : Congratulations to our Students who completed the program..!

Hi every one,

Join with me for congratulation to all our successful GSoC 2019 students…!. This year we accepted 13 students out of 40+ applied students. During the period of Coding time, 12 Students completed the GSoC successfully!

Follow this URL to get more details of our completed projects and students details,

Thanks to our mentors, and awesome community :slight_smile: who helped in so many ways during the GSoC priod.



Thank you too for leading us so beautifully! :smile:


Thank you for leading: :clap:

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Thanks a ton for your efforts @suthagar23!

Congratulations guys and thank you for your efforts :100:

@suthagar23 thanks for all your efforts on this

Thanks to @suthagar23 and @irenyak1 for the great leadership on this program… Its a record! Congradulations to all

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