Gsoc 2019: Bootstrap as a foundation for Reference Application UI Project,

these are the PR’s for each module @jwnasambu

Did you see comments left on these link and

Yes @jwnasambu added the description as asked.And pushed new changes on appointment scheduling module as well.squashed the new commits as well.And now appointment scheduling changes are also in

Thank you I have seen the changes made on the PR. Is this the ticket you worked on? if yes, where is the link to your PR?

Hi @jwnasambu my bad will add it now.

Also claim the ticket to avoid some else claiming it. Change its state to review

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@ssmusoke @jwnasambu

Hope you guys will be able to join the call today.

@ayesh this ticket’s state has been changed you can claim it again.

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Hi @ssmusoke @jwnasambu

Hope you guys will join the call today


Am sorry I missed the meeting I was caught up on my way.

Hello @jwnasambu @ssmusoke @ayesh @suthagar23, As the reference app 2.10 Relase team , we discussed and considered including this project in the release, is it possible for this to get completed by early August

or probably what is the progress on this so far ?? cc @herbert24 @c.antwi

@mozzy This is excellent news to hear

@ayesh has been working hard on this and updating multiple modules, so can be ready in time for inclusion in Ref App 2.10

We are currently in the process of completing the setup of a demo environment to showcase the work done to date


Woow , that sounds nice to hear then , welldone @ayesh

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That sound so good! The progress is not bad so far. Concerning the completion of the task by August, I reserve it to @ayesh and @ssmusoke.


well done here @ayesh @ssmusoke @jwnasambu

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Hi @ssmusoke

Am getting a 504 from nginx when I try to upload a module.Will it be possible for us to have a look

Sorry about it. Is that the entire error log?

Hi @jwnasambu

Yes that’s from nginx :slightly_smiling_face: