Gsoc 2019: Bootstrap as a foundation for Reference Application UI Project

@ayesh Thanks for the progress updates

What is the status of the staging server for the changes - this is becoming critical

Appointment types page


Itā€™s already up and running thanks to @cintiadr.I will upload the changes to the server as soon as possible

@ayesh Excellent, What is the url to the server?

Do let me know when you have uploaded the changes

Hi this is it @ssmusoke

Sure will be doing it soon and will ket you know :slightly_smiling_face:

Appoinment Type UI changes

I have just played the video and all appears to be OK. How is the progress on your side? any blocker?

Hi @jwnasambu

Everything going well Julie.Worked on few broken pages this week around 4 pages.Will be giving you the update today.But I didā€™t get time to upload the changes to the bootstrap instance yet as I discussed with @ssmusoke. Will be looking forward to do it in this week :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you two will join the call today at 8pm EAT

Hi @ssmusoke @jwnasambu

hope you guys will join the call today :smiley:

Sorry is the meeting over? we had no electricity it has just com back.

Hi @jwnasambu

We didnā€™t had a meeting.Sorry I went out since I thought we are not having the meeting today

Hi @jwnasambu @ssmusoke

Scehdule Providers Page.

Hi all

most of the changes on patient dashboard is in the now

Hi too, just to confirm is the link above the one you intended to share?

Sorry @jwnasambu itā€™s

Sorry about it. The second one is OK. Let me see the magic you have done.

@ayesh am glad the admin dashboard is responding this time. My concern is on the layout. I tried to register the patient and the layout is different from this. Is it Ok to maintain the same layout? Some button are not responding yet. I want to believe you are working on them.

@ayesh kindly, can I see your PR ?

Hi @jwnasambu currently am working on the shceduling dashboard.Thereā€™s a breaking change on the patient register page itā€™s not touched yet.Most of the scheduling dashboard changes are done but itā€™s not uploaded yet.