GSoC 2018 - HFE Rest - Final Presentation

Mentor :- Owais Hussain (owais.hussain)

Backup Mentor :- Ivange Larry Ndumbe (ivange94)

Student :- Piyush Kundnani (piyush9620)

Overview: The HTML Form Entry module is an important member of the OpenMRS module family, allowing people with basic HTML skills to develop forms and enter data into the system via these forms. The HTML Form Entry module being very old, even predating the REST API, uses a generic HTML Form Submission process to create and edit encounters and obs.

The Primary Objective of this project is to: Extend the HTML Form Entry Module to allow submission of HTML forms via RESTful APIs therby Restifying all the current API endpoints. Develop a proof of concept OWA (Open Web App) allowing basic data entry to submit HTML forms through the API so that the API can be thoroughly tested.

Due to lack of time, only the first objective could be achieved. Below you can find a documentation of how these REST endpoints can be used.

Contributions: The github repository for the module can be found at the below link.

Resources Brief documentation of the REST APIs can be found at:

Final Blog Link :

Thoughts on GSoC:: GSoc has been a great learning opportunity for me. Got to learn a lot of new technologies, learnt to read and understand big codebases, etc. OpenSource is the core of the computer science community, development community etc. and more and more people should contribute to it. Thank you OpenMRS for giving me this opportunity and Special thanks to my mentors for guiding me all the way. I hope to keep in touch with the community as and when I find time to contribute whenever possible.