GSoC 2018-Atlas 3.1 Project

Adding LDAP support to atlas 3.0 project and discuss security related issues.

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As I’ve mentioned in other topics, I’m available for answering questions about the requirements and the infrastructure questions (I tried to make the wiki page complete).

I do really hope to have Atlas 3.1 deployed in production after GSoC! And the student will be responsible for deploying it all the way there.

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Okay thanks @cintiadr I would soon be proposing the implementaion details in form of GSoC proposal. Kindly review it.

For those students interested in working on the Atlas 3.1 Project project for GSoC, please take note of today’s design forum:

Oh man, that’s way way too early on this side of the world.

It’s a shame as I think I’m the one that know the requirements the better (as I’m the one who needs them???)

If there’s anything that couldn’t be answered there, I will be available from 8pm UTC time.

I have written GSoC proposal for Atlas 3.1 project. The link is available at @cintiadr @burke @pascal and other mentors please review the proposal.

Can you share with my openmrs email? cintia at

@cintiadr I have updated the access control, can you confirm once? the pipeline to deploy it is almost ready. It just need the right repository with the dockerfile. is up too.

LDAP stg will be done in a week.

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@cintiadr can you please mention the repository used for building

That’s the one in production right now,

That’s the current build part:

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --tag=${IMAGE}:${TAG} .

It’s automatically deploying to staging.

I can easily change the repository, as far as it does have a docker image. Staging environment has production data (of a few days ago) for both the ldap and the atlas mysql.

@cintiadr I have dockerized atlas 3.0 project, should I send a Pull request on
As further work would be carried on this repository itself.

Just send to the openmrs repo instead, against 3.x branch:

Github won’t recognise it as a fork (so you cannot use pull requests straightaway). Would it be too hard for you to redo the work and create a pull request against this repo?

No problem there, I will send a PR soon. Thanks.

@cintiadr I have opened a PR, please review it.