GSoC 2014 Student introductions

Hi everybody,

I’m Alexis Duque, a French 2dn year masters degree in software engineering and Telecoms, at an engineering school in Lyon, France. I’m interested in software and web development and particularly focus on middlewares and web API designing. I have a part-time job as a junior developer (web and middlewares) at ETIC INSA Technologies, the my school junior company.

During next 4 months, I will work on OpenMRS Atlas with @burke, and @elliott (my backup mentor, if @burke become unavailable :wink: ). We aim to make a version of the Atlas Module to be distributed within OpenMRS 2.0 as an app, including an implementation’s marker to be associated with an OpenMRS ID. So a marker could be created or revised outside of the module, directly on the Atlas Website. We will implemented some useful new functionalities too.

Contributing to OpenMRS, is my real first experience in open source development and I expect to learn a lot humanly.

To conclude, one interesting fact about me : I’m fond of sport, I practise Triathlon, and I’m a good 10 km runner (often in the top 5, French U23 category, my PB is 30’55’’).