GSoC 2014 Student introductions

Hello guys,

I’m Wiehwa Cheung, 张伟华 in Chinese, a sophomore CS student in Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.

I’ve been coding since my high school time, and found myself loving it extremely. Though, this is the very first year I started coding for something real. While I was exploring the world of Node.js, I searched it in GSoC, and found you guys.

OpenMRS is a nice organization with great ambitions, and many interesting people. I really appreciate your idea of helping people in developing countries. Grown in a developing country myself, I can understand the meaning of having such a system. It’s very great to contribute my share into this.

Besides coding, I also like to do many interesting things in my daily life.

  • Sports, specifically badminton, basketball, football(Bayern rules!), cycling, etc.
  • Daily fun, specifically playing Rubik’s Cube, and my Nintendo 3ds, being a huge fan of Pokemon.

For the next few months, I’ll be working with my mentor @elliott, on OpenMRS ID Platform Improvements. This project aims to provide a better connections between all OpenMRS sites, and better services for our hard-working colleagues.

It will definitely be an unforgettable experience for me.

Cheers, Cheung