GSoC 2014: Before you begin

Attention GSoC 2014 students!

In just one week, your GSoC 2014 projects can begin. We hope you are as excited about the summer as we are. Before you begin, please remember the following requirements.

**:warning: If you miss 3 status reports, OR 3 blog posts, you will be immediately removed from the program. No exceptions; late submissions will not be accepted. **

Before 19 May, you must:

  1. Have a communication plan with your mentor documented on the OpenMRS Wiki that describes how and when you will communicate. Make sure you and your mentor have agreed to the plan. Use your personal wiki space for this. If your communication plan changes, that’s fine. Just update it on the wiki if so.
  2. Have agreed with your mentor on a project plan with milestones and dates, and SMART (specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and time-related) goals for your project. This project plan must be added to your project’s page on the OpenMRS Wiki. If your project plan changes, that’s fine. Just update it on the wiki if so.

Each weekday, you should:

  1. Work on your project! :smile:
  2. Participate in the daily scrum meeting on IRC to share your current status and get help with any “blockers” you may have.
  3. Commit to GitHub any code you’ve written.

Every week until projects end in mid-August, you must:

  1. Work on your project! :slight_smile:
  2. Communicate directly with your mentor about your project and any concerns or blockers you have.
  3. Write and publish a blog post no later than the end of each week (weekend). Your blog post should (at minimum!) describe what you accomplished, any challenges you have overcome or are currently facing, and include some general observations on the either the OpenMRS project/community or Google Summer of Code. You can add more to your blog post if you like.
  4. Submit your weekly status report at (You may have to first log in to to access this page.)

Status reports and blog posts are reviewed each Monday morning. If yours is not visible, it will be counted as missing. Late status reports will not be accepted. Please plan ahead!

Please be sure to publish a blog post AND submit a “test” status report by this weekend (16-18 May), to make sure everything is working correctly and we are receiving your data. If we do not receive a status report from you this first weekend, we will contact you directly.

We’ve made it to Day 1 - congratulations! :trophy:

Thanks to everyone who published your blog post and submitted your status report this weekend to “test out” our system. There are a few of you who missed the blog post and/or status report, and I’ll be contacting each of you and your mentors directly to make sure everything is working out.

Also, please remember to join the daily scrum meeting on IRC every day if your schedule permits. We want to hear about the cool work that you’re doing, and make sure you have the resources you need to be successful! Details:

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