why can’t I login in getting started as a developer
What do you mean ?
if I try to login they keep on telling me incorrect user name or password and they’re me to change password but even if I change it brings the same message
- Sorry, your username and/or password are incorrect. Please try again. that’s the message they’re giving me
Which link are you using
Log In - OpenMRS Wiki Guide for the New and Curious - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki Contribute as a Developer - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki Get Started as a Developer - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki
All those links
no need of logging in on those ones you can just read through
Ok thanks I thought Its my fault
maybe @edison was logging in into the openMRS demo. please if yes then reply to the thread and we drop the Admin username and the password
thanks @allan the issue was solved
Hello @jwnasambu I wanted to get into OpenMRS development as a developer. The thing is, anytime I try to log in to OpenMRS Wiki in the dev guide using my OpenMRS ID, the system keeps prompting me to change my password.
Initially, I thought this was an issue to do with having special characters in my password, but even after changing to a simple password, I still can’t log in. Any help on this will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Oh sorry! @edison You were meant to contact the Help Desk to request access to the wiki for edit/write access. Are you able to log in now?
Not yet, But allow me to ask you on which condition am I allowed to access the wiki as in logging in?!
You already have permission and am not certain the error you are getting. Kindly do you mind sharing the error through Help desk?
@jwnasambu thanks alot for the link address and solution.
first use the jira login.
Thnx a lot @jwnasambu solved