Getting error while saving bahmni encounter in openmrs 2.5.10

Hi @dkayiwa ,

I’m getting this error while saving the encounter - ERROR - BaseRestController.handleException(124) |2023-06-01T05:21:52,318| ‘DrugOrder(1.0Concept #170324090 of CROCIN PAIN RELIEF from null to Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023)’ failed to validate with reason: doseUnits: The units concept must be among allowed concepts, quantityUnits: The units concept must be among allowed concepts org.openmrs.api.ValidationException: ‘DrugOrder(1.0Concept #170324090 of CROCIN PAIN RELIEF from null to Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023)’ failed to validate with reason: doseUnits: The units concept must be among allowed concepts, quantityUnits: The units concept must be among allowed concepts

I looked at the global props and every uuid seems to be fine. What can be the reason behind this error ?

Can you cross check to confirm that each uuid points to an existing concept?

Yes all the uuids point to a concept and that concept is also a concept set.

order.dosingInstructionsConceptUuid	fa70429a-bbcd-11eb-8d47-02a85f324ec8
order.drugDispensingUnitsConceptUuid	162402AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
order.drugDosingUnitsConceptUuid	162384AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Which quantityUnits and doseUnits did you select?

These are set to “mg”.