Get openmrs concept translation(of patient attribute) from odoo, using api


I’ve a patient attribute which is getting synced as the Fully Specified Name in English from openmrs to Odoo. The values are getting saved in res_partner_attributes table.

I think, I can get the required local language translation by making an api request to /openmrs/ws/rest/v1/concept?s=byFullySpecifiedName&v=full&name from Odoo using python’s requests.get()

But, for this, I assume, I’d need to pass the username & password of openmrs as hard-coded.

Is there an alternate way to achieve this? Any way to send api requests using api-key instead of username & password ?

Thanks for any hints.

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It depends on which auth scheme you use in OpenMRS.

By default it would be basic auth and so yes, you’d need to pass the basic credentials each time you make a request (I think, right @Mekom?)

Alternatively you could switch to OAuth2, in which case you could use the token of a service account to transact with OpenMRS.

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Yes, OpenMRS does support cookie-based authentication. Once you’re authenticated, a cookie is cached or set in your browser, and this cookie is used for subsequent requests. This means you don’t need to pass the basic credentials each time you make a request.

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Thanks for the responses.

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