form entry results not display

Hello everyone,

I have created a form using form builder and published it, when I filed this form for a patient I can’t find the results of the form.

Greetings @aluckenson - thanks so much for sharing this issue. Great to hear you are using the Form Builder! :star_struck:

Here are some things we can try:

  1. To find the results of the form: Try going to “Visits” on the left side of the Navigation. Then click the tab “All Encounters”. Then you should be able to see a line item for the Form completed, and clicking the Down Arrow should show you the form fields and results:

  2. If that didn’t work: Can you share a recording of this, and/or the JSON schema of your form?

Here’s a screenshot of a patient record. On the right, you can see the form titled ‘Feuille d’admission et exeat,’ and in the middle, there’s the ‘All Encounters’ tab. You can see that not all fields are displayed.

  "name": "Feuille d'admission et exeat",
  "pages": [
      "label": "Informations personnelles",
      "sections": [
          "label": "Informations personnelles",
          "isExpanded": "true",
          "questions": [
              "label": "Nom",
              "type": "control",
              "required": true,
              "id": "Nom",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Prénom",
              "type": "control",
              "required": true,
              "id": "prenom",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Sexe",
              "type": "control",
              "required": true,
              "id": "sexe",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "radio",
                "answers": [
                    "concept": "Masculin",
                    "label": "M"
                    "concept": "Feminin",
                    "label": "F"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Date de naissance",
              "type": "encounterDatetime",
              "required": true,
              "id": "dateDeNaissance",
              "datePickerFormat": "calendar",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "date"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Numero de dossier",
              "type": "control",
              "required": true,
              "id": "numeroDeDossier",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": [ ]
              "label": "Avec parent",
              "type": "obs",
              "required": true,
              "id": "avecParent",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "radio",
                "concept": "166505AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
                "answers": [
                    "concept": "1065AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
                    "label": "Oui"
                    "concept": "1066AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
                    "label": "Non"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Relation avec la personne accompagnée",
              "type": "control",
              "required": false,
              "id": "relationPersonneAccompagnee",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Nom de la mère",
              "type": "control",
              "required": true,
              "id": "nomDeLaMere",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Prénom de la mère",
              "type": "control",
              "required": true,
              "id": "prenomMere",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "En vie",
              "type": "obs",
              "required": true,
              "id": "enVie",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "radio",
                "concept": "166505AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
                "answers": [
                    "concept": "1065AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
                    "label": "Oui"
                    "concept": "1066AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
                    "label": "Non"
              "validators": []
          "label": "Informations generales",
          "isExpanded": "true",
          "questions": [
              "label": "Date d'admission",
              "type": "encounterDatetime",
              "required": false,
              "id": "dateAdmission",
              "datePickerFormat": "both",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "date"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Date d'exeat",
              "type": "encounterDatetime",
              "required": false,
              "id": "dateExeat",
              "datePickerFormat": "both",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "date"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Diagnostic d'admission",
              "type": "control",
              "required": true,
              "id": "diagnosticAdmission",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Diagnostic final",
              "type": "control",
              "required": false,
              "id": "diagnosticFinal",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Complication",
              "type": "control",
              "required": true,
              "id": "complication",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Transfusion Sanguine",
              "type": "control",
              "required": false,
              "id": "transfusionSanguine",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Autres – Observation",
              "type": null,
              "required": false,
              "id": "autresObservation",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
          "label": "Informations suplementaires",
          "isExpanded": "true",
          "questions": [
              "label": "Etat à l’Exeat",
              "type": "obs",
              "required": false,
              "id": "etatAExeat",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "select",
                "concept": "ce3816e7-082d-496b-890b-a2b169922c22",
                "answers": [
                    "concept": "7398c91a-8db8-480d-8130-1a92cc208ded",
                    "label": "Guéri"
                    "concept": "a6ad599d-2bc4-47b7-81fe-a38e88867c1d",
                    "label": "Amélioré"
                    "concept": "0e65e5fd-a1d8-4730-a991-75a1d703cba6",
                    "label": "Non amélioré"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Médication a l’Exeat",
              "type": "control",
              "required": false,
              "id": "medicationExeat",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Décédé",
              "type": "encounterDatetime",
              "required": false,
              "id": "decede",
              "datePickerFormat": "both",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "date"
              "validators": []
              "label": "Médecin traitant",
              "type": "control",
              "required": false,
              "id": "medecinTraitant",
              "questionOptions": {
                "rendering": "text"
              "validators": []
  "processor": "EncounterFormProcessor",
  "encounterType": "dd528487-82a5-4082-9c72-ed246bd49591",
  "referencedForms": [],
  "uuid": "adb158b7-1e28-4332-bdef-c208da026b89",
  "description": "Feuille d'admission et exeat",
  "version": "2"

No help, please.