FIX: SDK Update tcp protocol on docker host

Hello, I found an issue with SDK Guide

Once you try for the first time to create a docker server (Option 2) it shows an error on Windows (WSL)

ERROR: Unsupported protocol scheme found: '

You should edit manually C:\Users\“youruser”\openmrs\ file and change dockerHost= to dockerHost=tcp://localhost:2375

Please consider putting this info in the guide for helping other newcomers as me.

Thanks and peace!

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Not so sure about the community policy when it comes to editing guides.

@dkayiwa is any community member free to edit the wiki pages?

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@jgonzalezans Oh sorry! kindly mention on which step of the guide you are getting an error and also share the entire error logs using pastebin .

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Sure, here you got it OpenMRS SDK Setup - Docker protocol error -

The problem in the guide is at this point

(I would suggest also adding direct links to topics inside a document )

I would only notify for windows user to do what I said before on properties


Yes, especially if there are errors! Although, in this case, rather than changing the guide, the right thing to do would be to open a ticket to fix the SDK so you don’t have to futz around with the SDK’s properties (since we can just fix the SDK to default to tcp instead of http).


I agree that would be great to be fixed on maven plugin directly. But I notified the situation to avoid newcomers to be blocked by this. The quick way would be to be warned at least in the guide.


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