Failing to log into

Hello I am not able to access the with my openMRS credentials. it tells Sorry, your username and password are incorrect - please try again. I was following up on a ticket. Is there something I am supposed to do to access it. Thank you. @sharif @mozzy @dkayiwa

Sorry for that Try using username =Admin, password=Admin123, BTW did you first finish with @dkayiwa about this here?

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Thanks, @sharif I saw @dkayiwa call in the morning at 4am. I was offline at the time he posted . I hope we can get some time with him through the next hours of the day

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No problem, which credentials did you use to login

my openMRS credentials that work on this very account and The Admin , Admin123 are not logging me in

Can you share the logs using

@sharif maybe you had not got me right. I wanted to work on an issue but am asked to the first login. my normal credentials are not valid there.

Send your request to help desk if you are trying to login and jira is not responding.

@sharif ,those credentials are for OpenMRS servers

sure , can you create a ticket to the help desk ??

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Nice catch @mozzy , am sure the upper comment clarified his intension :grinning: :grinning:


sure :grinning:

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@insookwa kindly contact the Help Desk to request access to the wiki for edit/write access.

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