Failed to install metadata org.openmrs:openmrs:2.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml

Hey guys,

I get the following error trying to build openmrs core locally, that is after running mvn clean install

This is the pastebin log for it. I am wondering if I have to delete the maven-metadata-local.xml file under my directory C:\Users\Admin\.m2\repository\org\openmrs\openmrs\2.3.0-SNAPSHOT\maven-metadata-local.xml then I can do a clean install again.

Will that fix the problem or there is a better option for me because I can’t seem to know effects of code with this prevailing error, thanks

cc @mozzy @herbert24 @dkayiwa

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I think deleting it and reinstalling will fix it…possibly the one present it corrupted

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@odorajonathan can you first try @reagan’s answer

OK!! let me try that and see

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Finally it works so far, thanks @herbert24 and @reagan for clarifying

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That’s great to hear @odorajonathan

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