Facing an Error when compiling OpenERP-AtomFeed-Service

Hello everyone,I had cloned version .90 of the openerp-atomfeed-service on my Windows Machine.
Then I wrote some sysouts in org.bahmni.feed.openerp.worker.OpenERPDrugServiceEventWorker.java and saved the file.
Then to compile the service I copied the vagrant-deploy.sh file from the “scripts” folder and pasted it in the main directory where the pom.xml file exists.
I then ran vagrant-deploy.sh file using “sh vagrant-deploy.sh” using Git Bash.
Everything seemed to work fine until,I got the following error :

On line 163 of the pastebin it says,"‘D:\my-vag\openerp-atomfeed-service-release-0.90\openerp-atomfeed-service/scripts/vagrant/vagrant-deploy.bat’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

But vagrant-deploy.bat does not exist in version 0.90.
I would be really grateful if someone would help me in rectifying the error.
Krishnan Menon