Extending Sync2 Module

Hi, @SolDevelo, is it possible to extend the work you are doing on sync2 to enable syncing of other user defined data in the tables? For instance, if am collecting inventory information and track my stock which are part of the openmrs data model, and I want to be syncing those as well, how can I design my custom models to fit into sync2 models? Do we have any objects in sync2 module that can be extended/implemented to effect that use case?

@edrisse Thanks

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Very good use case. @tmueller do you have any response to this?

@dkayiwa, @ningosi, please discuss this with @pgesek or @jslawinski

Regards, Tomasz

@tmueller Please correct me if I am wrong, but the use case described by @ningosi is not yet supported.

However, this is a good use case and should be added to the roadmap.

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@jslawinski Yes, I don’t think it’s supported yet, but @ningosi could you be more specific on which user defined data do you need to make sure we’re all on the same page?

Regards, Tomasz

Different implementations have custom modules that contains custom tables for storing their own data. For example, a module for pharmacy management, inventory etc, that might be needed to be synced all the time new records/updates are made to such tables. If there could be objects in sync2 module that could be extended/implemented such that anyone can sync any information that is housed in OpenMRS data model.

Thanks, @ningosi

Yes, like @jslawinski said, this is not supported, but a good use case to be added to the roadmap.