Extending DHIS2 period support in Automation

Module: DHIS2 Connector module

Currently, the dhis2 connector module only supports the following period types in the automation.

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

And the following period type supporting is not implemented in the current version.

  • Financial April
  • Financial July
  • Financial October
  • Six Monthly
  • Six Monthly April
  • Quarterly
  • Bimonthly

Requirement: Updating the module to support the mentioned period types in automation.

Relevant files: src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/dhisconnector/api/impl/DHISConnectorServiceImpl.java:transformToDHISPeriod

Relevant links:

DHIS2 date formats - https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/developer/html/webapi_date_perid_format.html

Jira - https://issues.openmrs.org/projects/DCM/issues/DCM-11?filter=allopenissues

So, I’m working on this task and I’ll use this thread to give my updates on it.

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Hi, I added the pull request for the Financial April period support. Also I tested it with DHIS2 demo instance (version 2.34.2)

Link for Jira issue:

Link for pull request:

Please review and merge😊

PS: I hope to implement Financial October and Financial July period support as soon as the PR is merged because those two also have the same structure.

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Thanks for merging the pull request.

Now im working on the Financial July period support issue.

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Sent the pull request to implement Financial July period support in Automation

Please review and merge

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Added Financial October period support in Automation. Please review and merge the pull request

Pull request:

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For this sprint, we hope to add SixMonthly period type support for the automation in dhis connector module.

So I’m working on the SixMonthly period type first. (DCM-31)

Sent the pull request for the SixMonthly period type. Please review and merge.