All of the commands in above url ran successfully.
Following are the issues we faced and resolved it:
net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (file:///android_asset/www/…):
Solution: We modified the code in config.xml. Changed <content src="..." /> to <content src="index.html" />
We had certain doubts about the bahmni-connect apk compilation steps mentioned in README file
Particularly steps 8 and 9
After cloning the repo,I have the exact same copy as the one in github. If I run Step 8 it removes all the files and folders in bahmni-offline/android/platforms
After running Step 9, it adds new files and folders in bahmni-offline/android/platforms ,but they are not the same as the ones from before running Step 8.
Because the this, we are getting the above error
The app is not able to find the files as they dont exist
If we skip Step 8 and try to build it as it is I get the following error : Unable to load PlatformApi from platform. Error: Cannot find module ‘/home/krishnanspace/Downloads/bahmni-offline-release-0.90 (2)/android/platforms/android/cordova/Api.js’
Hi @sumanmaity112 , we are not getting any problems with the official build.Its working as intended.Only when we are trying to compile the app on our own ,we are facing problems
Edit:By compile on our own,I mean that we have made some changes in Bahmni UI(dist folder) and want those changes reflected in the apk
Hi @sumanmaity112,
Thanks for your reply.
I installed the above specified versions,but for node I used v6.11.1 as there was no v6.11.10.
This is the error I get when I do “ionic build android” without doing “ionic platform remove/add android” :
After running "ionic platform remove/add android " when I run “ionic build android” I get an error saying that Android SDK is not found,even though I have set it.If I echo $ANDROID_HOME,I get the correct path as its output.
But I dont get this error when I use cordova v8.0.0.
Here is the pastebin for the error: