Error while attempting to find concepts - could not load an entity batch:

I am running Ubuntu version 12 and trying to import the latest CIEL release of concepts into Openmrs 1.11 , which is successful but on the dictionary window there is an error below

Error while attempting to find concepts - could not load an entity batch: [org.openmrs.Concept#<1488, 75015, 5958, 114191, 114192, 122855, 143261, 143262, 148474, 103703, 103935, 103942, 103255, 104227, 104785, 103218, 103252, 104265, 77204, 104797, 104259, 103847, 104241, 104786, 103952>]

The problem is the schema of 1.10 versus 1.11 which changed

Notified @akanter about this issue


There is now a 1.11.x version posted in the CIEL dropbox.