Reference Application 2.10
Hi, its me again.
Last Sunday i updated my OpenMRS Reference application and modules, with some consecuences, another error that i bring to you today is this:
When i (Admin with full privileges), or some coworker (user with high privileges), try to edit some old form with patient info, and save changes, this error comes out:
And the changes are not saving, but more important, the old text deletes too! I find that info on the OBS table on my SQL, and that info was voided with the voided_reason: htmlformentry (!??!?)
So, i find the log and find the exact time that i try to edit some past visit form, and i found this:
ERROR - FragmentActionController.handlePath(162) |2020-04-18 11:15:16,648| error
org.openmrs.ui.framework.UiFrameworkException: Error invoking fragment action public org.openmrs.ui.framework.SimpleObject org.openmrs.module.htmlformentryui.fragment.controller.htmlform.EnterHtmlFormFragmentController.submit(org.openmrs.module.appui.UiSessionContext,org.openmrs.Patient,org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.HtmlForm,org.openmrs.Encounter,org.openmrs.Visit,java.lang.Boolean,java.lang.String,org.openmrs.module.emrapi.adt.AdtService,org.openmrs.module.appframework.feature.FeatureToggleProperties,org.openmrs.ui.framework.UiUtils,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) throws java.lang.Exception
So I ask again for your help, in your infinite wisdom, to know what is happening, because the truth is that I do not understand this error.
Thank you!