@bhathiya95 Please cross check with these steps. I followed these when I was setting up my environment
Step 1: mvn org.openmrs.maven.plugins:openmrs-sdk-maven-plugin:setup-sdk
Step 2: mvn openmrs-sdk:help
Step 3: mvn openmrs-sdk:setup-sdk -U
Step 4: mvn openmrs-sdk:setup
Step 5: Would you be willing to help us improve SDK by sending us once in a while anonymous usage statistics (you can always change your mind by going to sdk-stats.properties and setting statsEnabled to false) [Y/n]:
Step 6: Specify server id (-DserverId) (default: 'server'):
Step 7: You can setup the following servers:
- Distribution
- Platform
Which one do you choose? [1/2]: 1
Step 8: You can deploy the following versions of distribution:
- Reference Application 2.10.0-SNAPSHOT
- Reference Application 2.9.0
- Reference Application 2.8.1
- Reference Application 2.7.0
- Reference Application 2.6.1
- Other…
Which one do you choose? [1/2/3/4/5/6]: 1
Step 9: What port would you like your server to use? (default: '8080'):
Step 10: If you want to enable remote debugging by default when running the server, specify the port number here (e.g. 1044). Leave blank to disable debugging. (Do not do this on a production server) (default: 'no debugging'):
Step 11: Which database would you like to use?:
- MySQL 5.6 (requires pre-installed MySQL 5.6)
- MySQL 5.6 in SDK docker container (requires pre-installed Docker)
- Existing docker container (requires pre-installed Docker)
Which one do you choose? [1/2/3]: 1
Step 12: The distribution requires MySQL database. Please specify database uri (-DdbUri) (default: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/@DBNAME@'):
Step 13: Please specify database username (-DdbUser) (default: 'root'):
Step 14: Please specify database password (-DdbPassword) (default: ' '):
root (mysql root password)
Step 15: Would you like to setup the server using existing data (if not, all data will be lost)? [Y/n]:
Database server has been wiped.
Importing an initial database from classpath://openmrs-platform.sql…
Database imported successfully.
The search index has been reset.
Step 16: Note: JDK 1.8 is needed for platform version 2.3.0.
Which JDK would you like to use to run this server?:
- JAVA_HOME (currently: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_241/jre)
- Other…
Which one do you choose? [1/2]: 1
Step 17: mvn openmrs-sdk:clone
Step 18: Please specify groupId (default: 'org.openmrs.module'):
Step 19: Please specify artifactId:
Step 20: Please specify your GitHub username:
Enter user name
Step 21: Please specify your GitHub password:
Enter password
Forking openmrs-module-fhir2 from openmrs
Cloning from VaishSiddharth/openmrs-module-fhir2.git into /home/sid/openmrs-module-fhir2