Error when linking reports to excel template using Excel Report Renderer

I was creating report indicators and when trying to link to excel template using the excel reports renderer I get an error:

“An Internal Error has Occurred org.hibernate.exception.DataException could not insert: []”

I am using Openmrs version 1.11.6, tomcat7 and mysql 5.6

Can you share the entire stack trace or error log at

Thanks Dan let me do exactly that.

This is what is displayed in the browser. It does not look like the full server side log.

Hi Dan, I have got the full side server log and put it on pastebin

Kind Regards

What is the name of the log file from which you copied this?

opt/tomcat7/logs folder

What is the name of the log file from which you copied this?


Can you share the full contents of that file?

I have shared the entire log on pasetbin

Can you just attach that file with all its contents?