error when forking and cloning openmrs-module-openconceptlab

Fork and clone Open Concept Lab module project

$ mvn openmrs-sdk:clone -DartifactId=openconceptlab

$ cd openmrs-module-openconceptlab

It is giving errors: image

@nkumar did you follow the steps here

@tendomart i have followed open concept lab steps

What exactly do you want to do ?

@nkumar sorry for the error! I suppose you are getting an error because you forked wrongly. Kindly, go to openmrs github link and select the module openmrs-module-openconceptlab/ you want to clone. Then click on fork option as reflected on this screenshort

When it has finished forking, click on code ( the green dropdown menu) then copy the entire link provided in the https/ssh option basing on the setting on your git hub account that is the link which you are supposed to clone. your clone command should be git clone,nkumar./openmrs-ocl-client.git or for this project it will be good to use Vscode ide but if you can run codeMixer in eclipse its still okay. Feel free too ask where you haven’t understood.

sorry I misinterpreted something

thanks for your help @jwnasambu