Error on Uitests qa branch using Selenium Testing

Ideally clickOn() was added clickOnLast to fix a breaking failure that was occurring as a result of find elements instance. My opinion for now is to disable travis so that it skips these three methods visitNote(), goToVisitNote(), goToPatientCaptureVitalsPage() present on qa branch on distro. However, am investing into what could be the better solution to this issue and will share my findings

If we disable travis, then that means we are not working on anything :slightly_smiling_face:, atleast ci was disabled but travis should be enabled to track the error logs and failures

These are not only tests are failing , a couple of tests are failing on travis which i think is the primary goal to fix travis first and then we resolve other tests that are ignored

Oops, I meant ci not travis.

Have been going through the resources that @dkayiwa shared over this issue and there seems to be some crucial aspect we need not to overlook. For the meantime as the ongoing investigation for a remedy to the root cause takes place, I suggest we fix the travis builds to be redirected to the right branch. Then after the ongoing qa efforts are done, we rise a grand PR from qa branch to master. @k.joseph any thought on this

travis in the distro isnā€™t building uitestframework before distro, that;s the cause of this. If u donā€™t want to keep the tests disabled, u need to get tests to run after locally within travis building the qa branch of uitestframework in order to have its artefacts usable

Thanks @k.joseph for this insight, I get the point now over this issue. Would this imply contributors prioritizing on fixing these failing tests in the distro

I think this makes a difference thanks @k.joseph , perhaps these tests donot run locally , i totally agree with you , however running locally i mean trying to do run as JUNIT TESTS , this returns some errors when they are ignored, i think now the issue will come to first resolve the test to pass locally then we see if it travis passes , will try out this before today

cc @kdaud @herbert24 @irenyak1 anyone else interested in quality assurance please feel free to join the ongoing call on UberConference for quick discussion about on going error


ā€œu need to change settings to flash the cache in respect with my concernā€ Where are these settings. @herbert24 @k.joseph @sharif

last three vertical dots on top right of google chrome them move to settings

Are sure that this is concerned with the browser setting. I thought the ci travis is failing due to the travis settings sited in the distro though still looking for this file where its located exactly

flashing the cache is mainly for the browser so as you drop old data that may exist in your browser

Then @k.joseph did not pick my point on my concern. Any way my network was weak, however, let me figure out what to do with the travis settings

@sharif do you mind taking a look at this commit

sure thats awesome @kdaud , have added a comment on the pull request , thats the way forward

@sharif do you mind taking a look on the pr again

@sharif have you had a look at this thread in respect to QA Workflow

Sure will try to address your comment

Will take a look at the conversation probably i will reply on the thread thanks

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