(Abhishek Marrivagu)
March 1, 2021, 4:32pm
So I wanted to work on my first issue in openmrs-core repo .
I am using
MySQL 5.7.
Java 1.8
maven 3.6
And windows power shell admin
Windows 10
cloned openmrs-core repo and the below was done on master branch.
I ran the commands mvn clean install
and then in webapp folder i ran mvn jetty:run
The DB was getting installed. But I was not able to see the prograss bars. ( I checked in the workbench, openmrs DB was created)
I got a WARN : Unable to find openmrs-runtime.properties in webapp folder.
And then the exec stopped.
so I manually copied the openmrs-runtime.properties
file from %AppData%
and pasted into webapp folder.
Then again I run the command mvn jetty:run
This time I was not redirected to initial setup but this page.
So i downloaded reference app 2.11.0 Addons from Download – OpenMRS.org and pasted the modules and owa folders in the correct directory.
Then after doing mvn jetty:run
I get the following error. It’s been a few days since this issue has been troubling me. Would be glad if anyone could help.
I am tagging people who have recently committed to the repo hoping to get help faster
@dkayiwa @gracebish @suubi7 @herbert24
(Daniel Kayiwa)
March 1, 2021, 4:54pm
Replace all those modules with these ones and restart OpenMRS.
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(Abhishek Marrivagu)
March 1, 2021, 6:27pm
Hi @dkayiwa , I did what you asked, the following errors/warnings popped up at different points of the server log.
WARN - Listener.loadBundledModules(483) |2021-03-01T23:17:27,258| Bundled module folder doesn’t exist: F:\OpenMRS\openmrs-core\webapp\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\bundledModules
WARN - ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal(783) |2021-03-01T23:17:35,565| Error while trying to start module: fhir2
WARN - Slf4jLogger.warning(32) |2021-03-01T23:17:28,769| Failed to restore the auto commit to true
WARN - HibernateUserDAO.getUserByUsername(112) |2021-03-01T23:22:30,338| request for username ‘scheduler’ not found
WARN - AbstractTableMetaData.getDataTypeFactory(166) |2021-03-01T23:21:09,767| Potential problem found: The configured data type factory 'class
and many more, all are pasted in detail here .
Are these warnings normal ? Or are these serious errors ?
Also despite all these the UI loaded and I was able to login… Thanks a lot @dkayiwa for the link.