Error message on searching a Patient appointment

Hello, i need your help with this issue. I schedule a patient appointment and when i navigate to “Manage Appointment” and select the patient, the appointment made is not displayed . Here the Error message that i get “I am Unable to search, are your search parameters valid?”

Here is the error that i get

Thank you.

Oh sorry! kindly which instance and version are you running? Besides, ensure the parameters entered in the search input are correct.

@jwnasambu Appointment Scheduling UI Module version 1.12.0, i even try it on the demo still getting the same error. i dont know if i missed a step.

@ornella Am sorry for the late response. I have followed the steps you listed above using the demo server and this is what I have as an output.

@jwnasambu what you did is to make an appointment request, in my case here is to make a patient appointment .

image as you can see here on the “Patient Appointments” it is saying “searching for patient appointments, please wait…”

Here are the steps that i follow: I click on Appointment Scheduling Select Manage Provider schedules

After i put all the informations, i select a day in my case i chose 6 April 2022 which prompted me to next screenshot below

click save

And now i navigate on the “Manage appointment” and select a patient to schedule a new appointment, in my case 6 april 2022 . I put the date and i ckick on search, i select the time that i have created and click on next which prompted me to the next step below

That’s it i click on Save

And now back to the patient in order to see the appointment here is the error that i get