Error in Sync 2.0 module installation for referenceapplication:2.12.2

I am trying to build OpenMRS using SDK and configure Sync service.

Using the following version to build using the SDK

SDK: 3.7.0 Distro property: Reference Impl: 2.12.2 Sync: 2.0.0

After building I am able to start OpenMRS using the docker compose file generated using the command mvn openmrs-sdk:build-distro. Once I try to install Sync 2.0.0. modules using the add module function it stops working and I get the following error message

org.openmrs.module.ModuleException: Unable to start OpenMRS. Error thrown was: org.openmrs.module.MandatoryModuleException: The following modules are marked as ‘mandatory’ but were unable to start: sync

Hi Partha,

Can you attach docker logs ? I hope that there is more information what went wrong.

Please find the log as requested

Thank you, I’m analyzing your log file. I will try to come back to you this week.